First off I must say this review was long overdue but not as long overdue as Maxwell's new Album "
BLACKsummers'night." This short nine track set is the
neo-soul King's first album since 2001, and this impressive comeback was certainly worth the wait. Initial buzz around the LP was major, and it was said that "
BLACKsummer...." was intended to be a three set disc, but it seems that Maxwell or his record label went with one disc which was definitely a major mistake considering the album debuted at number one on the charts selling an astounding 316,000 units at the expense of the crossover comeback single "Pretty Wings."
All of this commercial success is definitely a testament to Maxwell's artistry and the
public's desire for real soul music - not songs laced in auto-tune or references to Gucci and Louis
Vuitton in every verse. With "
BLACKsummer..." the only issues on Maxwell's mind are love and humanity. The album almost plays out as if it were the love child between Marvin Gaye's "What's
Goin' On" lyrically, and an Al Green record as far vocals are concerned. I can already predict some
Grammys coming Maxwell's way.
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